necklace giveaway winner & a fabric bracelet

and the winner of the Lisa Leonard necklace is...  #30

I'll be emailing you Kari so we can get your necklace right away!  :)
(ps I had to delete my original post giveaway because of a conflict with my blogher ads, don't worry I'm not trying to be shady by deleting the post)

I also thought I'd share this fabric bracelet I made as part of a gift.  I really need to work on my fabric selection on this kind of project - think, small prints.  I just don't use that many small prints for whatever reason!  I had gotten V & Co.'s Fabric Bracelet tutorial and gave it a whirl.  The fabric is Nicey Jane pocketbook.  I was hoping more of the green rather than the pink would show up, but I'll definitely be making more.