
Okay, I don't really want to sound like I'm bragging, but you know that little blog known as Soule Mama?! (haha)

well, I'm flattered to say my gathered clutch tutorial is on her 'Loving' links list.

Crazy! And thank you Soule Mama!

spice up your kitchen link roundup

Here's a random list of fun kitchen projects to add to your list!

Polka Dot Potholders by a pretty cool life

Cute Coasters by The Sometimes Crafter

5 minute bread bag by Saltwater Kids

Fabric Strawberries by V & Co.

Kitchen on the Go by Create Studio

Triple Border Dish Towel by Sew4Home

New Table Runner by Diary of a Quilter

Spring Napkins by The Purl Bee

Little Girls Kitchen Apron by The Cottage Home

Patchwork Kitchen Mat via Sew Mama Sew

Quick Fix Grocery Bag by Between the Lines

Simple Apron by Skip to My Lou

Fridge Frame Tutorial by Zaa Berry

DIY Anthropologie Inspired Pendant Light by Ashley Ann

Kitchen Trivets by Handmade Mommy

Garden Markers by Tatertots and Jello

The Girlfriend Apron by Toad's Treasures

Skinny Simple Table Runner by The Polkadot Chair

There's probably a million more so feel free to leave any other great kitchen type tutorials in the comments, I'd love to take a look! :)

spice up your kitchen wrap up & thank you

Just a few more little things I wanted to share.  Bon voyage Spice up Your Kitchen!  I'll have a roundup later today for your list making pleasure - more kitchen tutorials I've dug up from here and there.


This was a fun and cute project I've been wanting to do.  Mini Kidlets! 

I just scaled them down to fit on my small coat hanger.  I figure they'll be a great spot to stash smaller things like my keys, phone, and probably a random assortment of toys.  My youngest just squealed when she saw them this morning, and said 'babies!'  How cute is that?! 

Also, here's a picture of my mostly completed kitchen.  I still have a few little touches I'd like to add, but overall I'm pretty glad I got some things accomplished!  I'm no interior designer, but I like that it feels a little more me, instead of just a blank canvas.  At the same time everything is also easily changeable (I do like to change my mind!).

I did manage to put together a little wall frame collage with some cute prints from 1canoe2 on etsy (they also coincidentally have a cute array of kitchen items as well).   Have you tried out 3M's removable picture hangers yet (ah, yes, a coupon too, niiiice)?  I love them!  Now I don't have to worry about pounding holes in my crumbly plaster walls!

Here's my last project: kitchen towels.  Just grabbed a pack from target and started sewing.  These would be a great house warming present all wrapped up with a bow. 

Thanks again everyone for stopping by and leaving such nice comments!  I love stopping by your blogs and seeing what you've been up to!  And a super huge thanks to all of the amazing guest bloggers: Crafterhours, Jess, Vanessa, Mary, Ayumi, Cally, Kari, Penny, Dana, and Care!

diaper pouch tutorial

I'm happy to be a part of luvinthemommyhood's baby bonanza today, with a nice little break from all things kitchen!

yes, this would be my version of a diaper keeper.  I made this one with myself in mind.  I just needed to be able to actually see how many diapers I had in the pouch, otherwise I'd get down to one diaper and be on an all-day outing.  Not good.


1/3 yard linen (you'll have plenty of scraps leftover)
fabric scraps
cotton webbing 1.5" wide - 8" long
velcro (3/4" wide by 1.25")
fusible fleece - you could also use cotton batting
sewing machine, thread, pins, etc.

I was surprised at how quick this project is, so definitely churn some out for friends and family!

Cut the pieces:

{pictured above are the materials for the butterfly print version - but you get the idea}
From the linen cut 2 pieces 8.5" wide by 5" tall.  Also cut 2 pieces 8.5" wide by 10" tall - this will be your lining.  From your scraps (and feel free to make these strips patchwork, too) end up with 2 pieces 8.5" wide by 3.5" tall and 2 pieces 8.5" wide by 2.5" tall for the version shown with the butterfly print. 

{For the blue version cut 2 pieces 8.5"wide by 3.5" tall and 2 pieces 8.5" wide by 6.5" tall.} 

Cut 2 pieces of fusible fleece 8.5"wide by 9.5" tall.

Make the exterior:

Sew the strips and linen pieces together using a 1/4 inch seam allowance (making two finished pieces 8.5" wide by 9.5" tall).  Press seams open.  Fuse fleece to WRONG side of both exterior pieces. 

Sew on the fuzzy piece of the velcro about two inches down and centered on one of the exterior pieces (this will be the front of the diaper keeper).

With RIGHT sides facing, sew the two exterior pieces together using a 1/2" seam allowance around both sides and bottom. 

Pinch the corners together and sew a straight stitch 1" from the point.  Do this for both corners.  Clip corners.

Make the lining:

With RIGHT sides facing, sew the lining together on the sides and bottom, but this time leave a 3" opening at the bottom (this will be for turning later).  Box the corners as you did with the exterior.

Attach the cotton webbing:

Baste the cotton webbing to the RIGHT side of the exterior piece at the back of the diaper keeper. Another option on this step would be to make a fabric strap.  If you do use the cotton webbing I would recommend getting a fairly thin one (mine was from Hancock Fabrics), some webbing is much thicker than others.

Assembling the diaper keeper:

With the RIGHT sides facing, slip the exterior into the lining, matching up the top and side seams, pin and sew all the way around the top with a 1/2" seam allowance. 

Be sure to tuck the cotton webbing down into the diaper keeper. 

Pull the exterior through the opening you left in the lining.  Poke out corners. 

Sew the opening shut with a very small seam allowance, or sew by hand. 

Push the lining into the diaper keeper.  Since the lining was a 1/2" taller than the exterior, it'll form a nice border along the top edge of the diaper keeper. 

Press and stitch "in the ditch" all around the diaper keeper. 

Finish the strap:
Pull the cotton webbing around to the front and adjust as necessary to line up with the fuzzy part of the velcro. 

Turn under the webbing twice and pin on the vecro.  Take your time and sew on the hook part of the velcro at the end of the strap.

Fill with 3-4 diapers, travel wipes, and maybe even a tube of diaper cream and you're all set!

{I think this would also hold 2 cloth diapers depending on how bulky they are.  I use a few cloth diapers while we're at home and they fit in the diaper keeper  reasonably well.}

Terms of use:  For personal use only please.

scrappy coaster giveaway winner! yay!

We have a ...


I've sent you an email ificould, we'll get you hooked up with your beautiful scrappy coasters!
Thanks again Shelly for the giveaway.

guest post with Ayumi of Pink Penguin

hmmm, what can I possibly say about Ayumi and her blog Pink Penguin?!  Other than the fact that I'm very honored for her to take time to contribute to Spice up your Kitchen. 

I know Ayumi wouldn't be able to resist the kitchen theme when I asked her to join in.  She makes the most adorable, fun and functional things.  Each piece of fabric is chosen with such precision and thought.  Oh, and besides having an awesome array of beautiful easy to follow tutorials, she has a great etsy store, AND she has two tutorials (apple coasters and a plastic bag dispenser) in the most current issue of Stitch!  Be sure to check out her blog because she'll be one busy lady with her upcoming wedding.

Please welcome Ayumi!

Hello, everyone! I am Ayumi from Pink Penguin blog. I got really excited when Anna contacted me and asked if I would like to be a part of Spice Up Your Kitchen. Of course, I said YES right away. Anna has been a very nice, inspirational blog friend for me, and I've always wanted to be a part of some fun blog event like this where I can connect with bloggers/seamstresses ;) Thank you again Anna for including me for the fun!

To tell a bit about myself, I was born and raised in Japan, but now I live with my fiance in Northern California. I've always loved creating things, having someone create something for me, and owning handmade items made with love. Today I'd like to introduce a tutorial for a quilted placemat that is easy and fun to make!

Not only can this simple project help you detash your fabric scraps but also that it will be a great way to bright up your dining time!
Go check out Ayumi's complete Quilted Placemat Tutorial HERE on Pink Penguin.

Thanks Ayumi for sharing this project, I know my girls would love one!

guest post with Dana of MADE

Okay, today's guest is someone I just don't have enough words to describe.  Dana of MADE!!
Yep, she's here and with a great project, of course another stunner with beautiful pictures and descriptions to top it off! 

When I started my blogging journey late last year I would have never guessed Dana would be friends with me.  And to make you all really jealous, we've meet in real life (more on that another day).  I would read her blog and just dream up all sorts of cool projects using her tutorials, not ever thinking that she would actually take time to reply to my little comments.  Well, she did, and the rest is history I guess.  I'm very grateful that Dana has had me guest blog a couple times now and that she has trusted me to come up with some fun projects.  So she's visiting today with a cool project to spice up your kitchen!  Don't forget to check out all her great patterns and tutorials (just in case you've been living under a rock).
Thanks Dana!

Hello to the Noodlehead world! I'm so happy to be part of Spice Up Your Kitchen.
I'll be honest, when Anna asked me join you....I was at a loss for ideas. The obvious kitchen stuff popped in my head: potholders? (I really hate making those. Can I hire one of you to do that?), aprons? (so many cute versions are out there already), place-mats? (I'm sure someone already signed up for that). I was stumped. And so, I've been amazed at all the cool ideas the other Kitchen Guests have come up with! My kitchen thanks you as well. find my niche, I decided to spice up my dining room, which is actually part of our kitchen. And today I'm sharing a very, very simple idea: Table Toppers. I know, nothing original. But it's so simple, it seems silly not to share it.

My mom loves to cook, entertain, and throw parties. And so, dinner at our house growing up (on a small night) meant 12 people at the table......6 kids from our family, my cousins who lived next door, and a family friend or two. Dinner was, and still is, a very social event and one that my mom liked to spice up with decorations.

With one or two tables to decorate, however, sewing cute table cloths required yards and yards of fabric. So instead, my mom started making Table Toppers. These are large squares or swatches of fabric which are hemmed like a normal tablecloth, then thrown on top of a white or black tablecloth to give a color pop.

With a variety of Table Toppers in her closet, my mom was ready to decorate any number of dinner tables, table rounds, a small classroom table? A spectrum of possibilities.

So for Mother's Day a few weeks ago, I surprised my mom with a slew of new Table Toppers. Every woman enjoys an updated look in her table wardrobe.

Table Toppers are easy to make, less expensive than making full tablecloths, and they make great gifts. Go rummage through your fabric stash and let's get started!

You can find the complete Table Toppers Tutorial HERE on MADE.

Thank you Anna for letting me join the kitchen party!

These are great Dana, I'm going to have some fun mixing up fabrics with these!

lemon tree studio giveaway! CLOSED

~~~ Sorry, this giveaway is now closed, thanks for stopping by! ~~~

Have you ever stumbled on a shop or blog you just can't take your eyes off of?  Well, I certainly did when I found Shelly's etsy shop, Lemon Tree Studio!  Her shop includes some of the cutest happiest goodies ever.  Just paging through her items makes me feel happy. 

These fabrics baskets are just too fun!

Who wouldn't look cute in this gorgeous dress?

And this clutch, how gorgeous is it?

okay, just one more thing to drool over, if you're an owl lover just try to resist this owl pillow.

And to top it off she has another shop called Lemon Blooms, full of her collection of vintage fabrics. 

I just want to scoop up this pack and take it home with me.

Want more?  She also has an awesome blog, my lily eden, filled with tons of inspiration and cuteness, go check it out.

So on with the giveaway!  Today Shelly from Lemon Tree Studio and Lemon Blooms is giving away a set of these super cute scrappy coasters!  What a fun way to spice up your kitchen or dining room.

{The actual coasters for the giveaway will be made from her super awesome collection of vintage fabrics.}

To enter this giveaway:
  • Leave a comment, please include your email address in your comment.
  • One winner will be chosen.
  • One entry per person please
  • Giveaway closes Thursday (May 27th) at 2:00 PM!

guest post with Care of Obsessively Stitching

Today's guest blogger is Care of Obsessively Stitching!  Yay!  I'm so excited to have Care drop in and share another great tutorial. 

Seriously, she has a ton of awesome tutorials and is just the nicest person.  I was even lucky enough to have Care become my 100th follower and it was really a huge thrill for me.  She has a ton of sewing knowledge on anything from quilts to doll clothes.  She even does amazingly crafty and dollar conscious projects as well, you can see her on Dollar Store Crafts coming up with all sorts of amazing things!

Let's hear it from Care!

I go through phases with cooking and baking. Sometimes I will have a few months at a time when I just can't get enough baking, and try new recipes daily.

Other times I do everything possible to stay OUT of the kitchen! Regardless, the kitchen ends up being the center of the home, so it's important to keep it spiffy and fun! 

Itty Bitty Oven Mitt Magnets!

They are almost too tiny to believe Care!  Thanks for sharing, what a great idea.

Go check out the complete Itty Bitty Oven Mitt Magnets Tutorial HERE on Obsessively Stitching.


I love practical things, I admit it.  I especially love them when they're beautiful as well.  Form follows function, right?  Not so fast, maybe Frank Lloyd Wright might have said it best.

Well these don't quite compare to any Frank LLoyd Wright design, but I do love my new dishmats.  I saw a couple people making these earlier this year and have had them on my list ever since. 

I cut up a scuzzie old towel with rust stains on it and no one knows the difference.  Fly Through Our Window has a great little tutorial (it's a downloadable pdf) on how to make one (or two).  I didn't follow her tutorial, but just wanted to use up some scraps.  I made these to fit next to my sink when I hand wash all those big pots and pans and cutting boards.  I used it the other night and couldn't stop staring at the pretty fabric.  Now if that doesn't encourage a little dish washing, I don't know what will!