lunch bag pattern giveaway CLOSED

~~~  Giveaway is now closed, thank you to everyone who entered! ~~~~

Remember this lunch bag I made?
Well now you get a chance to win the pattern!

Virginia from ginia18 graciously agreed to allow me to give away one Love Your Lunch Box pattern to one lucky reader.

But don't stop there, check out her shop, it's filled with some totally cute patterns just waiting to be made into something special.

an art caddy pattern (already have this pattern, can't wait to make one!)

I'm so in love with the owl pillow (she has two owl pillow patterns available).  It looks so huggable.  I can just imagine using up all my scraps on these!

Does a little girl in your life need a new summer dress?  Go check out the pattern here.

To enter the giveaway:
  • Leave a comment, please include your email address in your comment.
  • One winner will be chosen.
  • One entry per person please
  • Giveaway closes Friday (May 21st) at 12:00 PM!