guest post with Care of Obsessively Stitching

Today's guest blogger is Care of Obsessively Stitching!  Yay!  I'm so excited to have Care drop in and share another great tutorial. 

Seriously, she has a ton of awesome tutorials and is just the nicest person.  I was even lucky enough to have Care become my 100th follower and it was really a huge thrill for me.  She has a ton of sewing knowledge on anything from quilts to doll clothes.  She even does amazingly crafty and dollar conscious projects as well, you can see her on Dollar Store Crafts coming up with all sorts of amazing things!

Let's hear it from Care!

I go through phases with cooking and baking. Sometimes I will have a few months at a time when I just can't get enough baking, and try new recipes daily.

Other times I do everything possible to stay OUT of the kitchen! Regardless, the kitchen ends up being the center of the home, so it's important to keep it spiffy and fun! 

Itty Bitty Oven Mitt Magnets!

They are almost too tiny to believe Care!  Thanks for sharing, what a great idea.

Go check out the complete Itty Bitty Oven Mitt Magnets Tutorial HERE on Obsessively Stitching.